Quality control in construction, repair and structural strengthening work

Work quality control consists of two types of tasks:

            a) Checking that work operations comply with the specifications of the applicable execution procedures and compliance with the defined control points.

            b) Realization of in situ quality control inspection and testing, collection and analysis of the respective results and collection of samples for subsequent laboratory testing.

As for paragraph a), the technician in charge of the work must have detailed knowledge of the applicable work techniques, summarised in the respective written procedures, and oversee their correct execution.

The inspections and tests to be carried out within the context of paragraph b) are defined in the Quality Plan (QP) for each work. The tasks included in this paragraph will generally be entrusted to companies selected for this purpose, as described below. Some simpler and direct tasks may be entrusted to company staff qualified for this purpose.

When collecting samples, the inspection and testing instructions will specify, for each case, the sample’s geometric parameters, those that are necessary, the frequency of the sampling and the packing conditions.

The QP identifies the inspection and testing locations, the respective activities, the dimension of the samples to be inspected or tested, the regulations and specifications to be met, the technicians responsible for the necessary work and equipment.

To ensure that the materials are correctly handled, prepared and applied, thereby obtaining the best utilisation results and meeting the intervention objectives, inspection and testing activities must be performed at material reception and during and after their application.